Vanishing Kids: Heavy Dreamer
Visions, flashbacks, prophecies, divinations of the beyond. Sorcery, art and magic, theatre and poetry—and an elusive line between fantasy and reality—blend together in Madison’s best-kept secret, the Vanishing Kids. Champions of the Midwest underground, Vanishing Kids are finally on the verge of revealing themselves to the world. And, like any good magicians, Vanishing Kids' spell is immediate, but does not ever truly wear off. Beginning as a progressive and art rock outfit nearly two decades ago, Vanishing Kids have evolved their hypnotic synth-infused sound on countless local stages and beyond, supporting thunderous headliners like Ruby the Hatchet and The Skull. Within the last four years however, the group has taken a heavy twist that is leaving audiences and review communities alike completely stunned. Heavy Dreamer is the heaviest installment from the four-piece psychedelic outfit yet—while still offering the soaring, spacey lucidi...